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Team Building in Mt. Mogan-Autumn, 2021

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-04-20      Origin: Site

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On October 10 and 11, 2021, the company organized a two-day and one-night team building event at the Moganshan Yinhua Jingshe B&B Hotel.Members of the general manager, sales department, technology department, production department, workshop and other departments of the company gathered at the foot of Mogan Mountain, which has the reputation of 'cool world', and spent a relaxed and pleasant team building time.On the first day of the team building, the company's friends had dinner together. After the meal, there were entertainment programs such as billiards and KTV.

Later, they tasted the delicious roasted whole lamb together.The next morning, the company held the 2021 annual sales work and production arrangement meeting. At the meeting, the company executives expressed affirmation and gratitude to the employees for their dedication and performance, and discussed and studied the project progress in the first three quarters under the epidemic situation. And problems encountered, while deploying new tasks and new requirements for the fourth quarter.After this team building activity, everyone got physical and mental relaxation in the early autumn when the heat was still hot, strengthened the interaction between each other, and enhanced the cohesion of the company; The pressure and difficulties have enhanced the sense of crisis and responsibility, and realized the heavy responsibility on their shoulders.

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