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Industrial Robots for Coating Line

Industrial robot

A robot is an intelligent machine that can work semi-autonomously or fully autonomously. Through programming and automatic control, the robot can perform and complete various tasks such as production, life, and experiments.Robots have basic characteristics such as perception, decision-making, and execution. They can assist or even replace humans in completing dangerous, heavy, and complex tasks, improve work efficiency and quality, serve human life, and expand or extend the scope of human activities and capabilities.Industrial robots are multi-joint manipulators or multi-degree-of-freedom intelligent machine devices widely used in the industrial field. They have certain automation and can realize various industrial processing and manufacturing functions by relying on their own power sources and control capabilities.Industrial robots are widely used in various industrial fields such as automobile manufacturing, electrical, metal, chemical, and food.

Classification of industrial robots

group 2

Types of operations of industrial robots in the industrial field


Four Families of Robots

The top four companies in the field of robotics in the world are ABB, FANUC, KUKA, and YASKAWA. These four companies are known as the four major families of robot manufacturers in the industry.

Examples of advantages of industrial robots

Compared with traditional industrial equipment, industrial robots have many advantages. For example, robots have the characteristics of ease of use, high level of intelligence, high production efficiency and safety, easy management and significant economic benefits, so that they can be used in high-risk environments. Do your homework.

1. Ease of use of the robot

In our country, industrial robots are widely used in the manufacturing industry, not only in the automobile manufacturing industry, but also in the production of space shuttles, military equipment, the development of high-speed rail, and the production of ballpoint pens. The industry extends to food, medical and other fields.Due to the rapid development of robot technology, compared with traditional industrial equipment, not only the price gap of products is getting smaller and smaller, but also the degree of personalization of products is high. Therefore, in the manufacturing process of some complex products, industrial robots can replace traditional equipment. This can greatly improve efficiency.

2. High level of intelligence

With the continuous advancement of computer control technology, industrial robots will gradually be able to understand human language, and at the same time, industrial robots can complete product components, so that workers can be exempted from complicated operations.The welding robot system in industrial production can not only realize automatic real-time tracking of space welds, but also realize online adjustment of welding parameters and real-time control of weld quality, which can meet the urgent needs of complex welding processes and welding quality and efficiency of technical products Require.With the expansion of human exploration space, industrial robots can also use their intelligence to successfully complete tasks in extreme environments such as space, deep water, and nuclear environments.

3. High production efficiency and safety

Manipulator, as the name suggests, is a manipulator produced by imitating the shape of a human hand. It takes a fixed amount of time to produce a product.In the same life cycle, the output of manipulators is also fixed and will not fluctuate, and the production time of each mold is fixed, and the yield of products is also high. Using robots to produce is more in line with the interests of enterprises.The factory uses industrial robots for production, which can solve many safety production problems.For personal reasons, such as unfamiliarity with the work process, work negligence, fatigue work, etc., the hidden dangers of production safety can be effectively controlled.

4. Easy to manage and significant economic benefits

Enterprises can clearly know their daily production volume, and receive orders and produce goods according to the production capacity they can achieve.Instead of blindly estimating the output or producing too many products to cause waste.The factory's daily management of industrial robots will be much simpler than managing employees.

Industrial robots can work in a 24-hour cycle, can achieve the maximum output of the production line, and do not need to pay overtime working hours.For enterprises, it can also avoid the fatigue of employees after long-term high-intensity work, and the absence of work due to illness.After the production line is replaced by industrial robots, the enterprise production only needs to leave a few employees who can operate and maintain industrial robots to perform maintenance work on industrial robots, and the economic benefits are very significant.

Features and advantages of spraying robot

The spraying robot is an industrial robot that can automatically spray paint or spray other coatings. It is mainly composed of a robot body, a computer and a corresponding control system; It can do complex trajectory movements, and its wrist generally has 2 to 3 degrees of freedom, which can be flexibly moved.The more advanced painting robot has a flexible wrist, which can be bent in all directions and rotated. Its action is similar to that of a human wrist. It can easily penetrate into the workpiece through a small hole and spray its inner surface.

In the painting industry, many companies will incorporate spraying robots into their production procurement plans.Because more and more business operators have realized the long-term benefits of industrial robots.Through the comparison of spraying robots, manual spraying and reciprocating automatic spraying machines, it is not difficult to see that spraying robots have obvious advantages among the three.

Comparison of the capabilities of manual spraying, reciprocating automatic spraying machines and spraying robots

Compare content Manual spraying Reciprocating machine spraying robot spraying
production capacity S B M
Shape of object to be coated apply to both Face perpendicular to the spray gun apply to both
The size of the object to be coated is large not applicable Be applicable M
The object to be coated is small in size Be applicable not applicable Be applicable
Changes in the type of object to be coated Be applicable Be applicable Need to show number
smear bias O O N
The need for touch-up paint O O N
defective rate M B S
Paint usage (waste generated) S B S
equipment investment S M B
Maintenance costs S M B
total painting cost B M S

Compared with traditional mechanical spraying, the use of spraying robots greatly reduces the labor intensity of manual spraying and solves the problem of uneven thickness of artificial spraying.Coating production lines generally work continuously, and the tireless work of spraying robots not only saves labor costs for enterprises, but also improves the quality of spraying.They will perform stable and repetitive work in accordance with the engineer's program instructions. The distance and angle between the spray gun and the workpiece are maintained, the amount of paint output is also set, and the atomization effect is also preset. The spray gun can be used to reach parts that are difficult to spray manually.The installation method of the soft robot is very flexible. It can be installed on the ground, hung upside down on the top of the spray booth and on the side of the spray booth for painting.Not only that, due to the stability and consistency of spraying, the robot will not spray beyond the range, which greatly saves paint and improves the recovery rate of paint.

Safety is very important to enterprises in the spraying process. One of the great contributions of spraying robots is to replace spraying workers from dangerous working environments and boring working conditions, which can reduce the company's expenditure on protective equipment and reduce The subsequent compensation costs and legal costs for workers' physical injuries caused by working environment factors.The flexibility of the robot itself determines that it can be installed in a high-density production line or space. It can be installed in various ways such as the ground, walls, guide rails, and ceilings, and the size of the robot is different. You can choose the robot that is most suitable for the size of the spray booth. This reduces the area of the spray booth and saves the cost of the site.

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